The health and safety of our visitors is our top priority and special protocols to contain the virus have been implemented. Some of the actions taken in Los Cabos to avoid the spread include:
The implementation of enhanced procedures at the SJD International Airport, such as thermal cameras and travel background checks on all arriving passengers, that will be done in coordination with other state airports, ports and land entry points.
The closure of all schools statewide from March 23rd,until April 30th, in alignment with federal guidelines.
Temporary suspension of all sporting, recreational, social, political, cultural, academic, public, private and all similar events that involve the concentration of people to contain the spread of COVID-19.
All non-essential business will be closed from March 30, 2020 until April 30th, including restaurants, bars, gym and all public beaches.
Hotels, resorts, time shares and online platforms, like Airbnb, will be closed starting April 5th, 2020.
The recommendation that the population practice social distancing in accordance with state government guidance. This includes working from home, reduction of non-essential social activities and staying home if anyone presents symptoms like fever, cough, and difficulty breathing. Local residents are encouraged to use grocery and food delivery services to minimize exposure.
The development of a multidisciplinary committee where private and public organizations will receive constant feedback about the source and spread of COVID-19, which continues to meet regularly.
The implementation of extreme cleaning and sanitary measures for service providers, including public transportation vehicles, to help prevent the spread.
The implementation of special training for hospitals to identify, isolate and avoid the spread of COVID-19 following strict guidelines from the federal government.
The implementation of informational campaigns to the local community and visitors to use masks, sanitizing gel and wash their hands more frequently while also avoiding crowded spaces.
Federal and State authorities are monitoring constantly and have declared the situation a National Health Emergency. The federal government has also escalated Mexico to Phase 2 in order to implement mass measures to protect the population.