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Boys & Girls Club of BCS

Manzana 5 Lote 1-B San José del Cabo, Baja California Sur 23403

General Information

Based in southern Baja, Gente Joven Por Un Cambio (Young People for a Change) embraces community youth in order to improve their lives and their future. In an area lacking a sense of community, our goal is to empower each youth by guiding them through social change projects that impact their surroundings and most importantly themselves. GJC staff and volunteers believe that the young people of today can create a healthy, positive and powerful change to their environment. We refer to these young empowered individuals as our Agents of Change.



We encourage teamwork to achieve goals and strive to instill a strong foundation in each of our young people. Learn more about how our amazing youth put their goals into action!

Gente Joven Por Un Cambio’s mission is to provide young boys and girls with the tools, resources and support to become social change agents.

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